Saturday, May 15, 2010


Another disappointing trip out to the block today. Perhaps we are impatient, and want to see constant progress, but the schedule seems to have slipped, at least 2 weeks now, with no apparent progress. I guess the schedule is Eden Brae's and as long as they deliver on the contracted date, the rest is up to them. The site supervisor said that the delay was due to Boral being out of the bricks, and them having to wait for an available team of bricklayers. I guess they can't control an external supplier's product availability, but surely,considering we signed with Eden Brae so many months ago, they have had plenty of time to sourced brickies. Hopefully next week's progress will be better. The weather outlook's not so good though.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Hopefully the progress picks up soon. Where are you building? We are also building with EB at the Ponds, plans have just been given to the Ponds development for review. We also had to have a garage at the rear but went with the Cambridge 29 and made a single garage the rumpus room. Good luck with the rest of the build !!
